Five Reasons to Use a Media Buying Agency

A media buying agency will free up your time so you can focus on high priority tasks.

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Seven Things Effective Media Buying Agencies Do Best

Business owners get overwhelmed evaluating what will get a solid ROI. A professional media buying agency comes in handy.

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What Does A Media Buying Agency Do?

Media buyers have to make decide which tactics and channels a company should be using to connect with their audience.

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Network Effect: Building A Bridge That Allows Your Product To Spread

A positive feedback loop happens when a product or service becomes more valuable as more people use it.

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Build A Tribe By Creating Tension – And Offering The Antidote.

Challenge the audience's "status" – their relationship to a group and their position within its hierarchy.

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Transforming Your Target Audience Into A Tribe

Resonates with your audience's shared worldview, which informs how they pursue their needs, desires and values.

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Market Narrowing Tactic #2: Find Uncrowded Extremes

You can find your target audience by staking out an unusual position in relation to a set of values.

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Four Misconceptions about Media Buying Agencies

Media Buying Agencies develop relationships, innovative strategies, and in fact save the customer money versus going it alone.

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Market Narrowing Tactic #1: The Focus On Adopters

Your target audience should share your definition of the desire that your product solves, and be open to change.

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