Four Misconceptions about Media Buying Agencies

1. “Media buying agencies only negotiate discounted media pricing, they don’t develop relationships”

While media buying agencies seek to save money for their clients through rate negotiation, most of us know the value of creating relationships with ad reps at various publications. A relationship between a media buying agency and a publication is a win-win. Without strong relationships with our publication partners we wouldn’t be able to deliver the results our clients need to achieve their goals. Bottom line: we fight for our clients (using our negotiation skills, not our fists), but we also say please and thank you.

2. “Media buying agencies don’t strategize, they only take orders”

If that were the case, none of us would be in business very long. Instead of being order takers, we offer innovative ideas and strategies to achieve our clients’ desired results. We utilize mapping tools and research from Scarborough and MRI to determine how best to reach their target markets and then we buy the media most likely to reach those consumers. Without a strategy, we would never be able to beat our competitors, but we can and we do.

3. “I can buy media in-house as well as any media buying agency”

You might be able to buy media as well as we do, but you can’t match our strong industry relationships or our negotiation power. Why not give us a chance to impress and even change your mind? Media buying is probably not your sole responsibility or even your favorite part of your job, but it’s our forte.

4. “It costs more money to work with a media buying agency than if I were to do it myself”

I hate to break it to you, but most things in life aren’t free. While enlisting the services of some media buying agencies might cost you some money, that’s not our model. We don’t add a commission or percent to your buys. Instead we figure out ways to create a win-win-win. You achieve your goals, the publications achieve their goals, and we achieve ours. We can talk more about that when you’re ready to enlist our services. Remember that media buying agencies can stretch your advertising dollars and buy more ad placements than you can with your money. That right there should be enough to convince you we should talk. If you are getting those discounts on your own, then by all means, keep doing what you’re doing. If not, maybe it’s time to throw in the towel and enlist the help of a media buying agency.